WorkBetter Video Collection
Updated August 2024
Accomplish more in less time by harnessing Parkinson's Law
An easy trick that will gain you hours in efficiency
Asking for informal feedback
Beating bias in associate reviews
Beating impostor syndrome
Best practices when working remotely
Bouncing back from a mistake
Building better teams
Collaboration is key: How to successfully cover your colleague's vacation
Creating an efficient home office
Cultivating "outside" mentors
Delegation 101
Demystifying Secondments: Part Two
Demystifying secondments: Part One
Essential tips to prepare for your review meeting
Five questions that should be answered in your review meeting
Five tips to elevate your email game
Four tips for a successful lateral move
Gaining the trust and respect of your juniors
Get your inbox under control for good
Getting the work you want
Giving informal feedback
How to be a good mentor to your first-year associates
How to complain effectively
How to establish clear goals and expectations for your team
How to really show up for your meetings
How to speak up as a junior
How to stop micromanaging
Identifying hidden burnout triggers and learning how to cope
Is unitasking right for you?
Keep calm under pressure with one simple trick
Lateral associate success following a layoff
Leveling up: Tips to transition seamlessly from midlevel to senior associate
Making a good first impression
Making the most of your firm's mentoring program
Managing deadlines
Managing deadlines when you're the manager
Managing up strategies you can start using today
Moving on up: Transition from junior to mid-level with confidence
Navigating sensitive situations in a lateral move
Networking & the art of small talk
Performance Reviews: What to do when you've received critical feedback
Performance reviews: Tips for your self-evaluation
Planning your career with intention
Pro vacation tips to get the R&R you deserve
Project a professional image without sacrificing your individuality
Proven strategies to prioritize tasks and keep you organized
Quick tips for better public speaking
Re-engaging when coming back from a personal leave
Resolve to be happier and more productive at work in the new year
Seeking work that promotes your professional growth
Smart money tips for law firm associates
Speaking with confidence
Staying connected in a hybrid work environment
Staying productive when the work slows down
The art of active listening
Timekeeping strategies for success
Transitioning with ease: Four tips for a successful lateral move
Understanding and implementing feedback from your performance review
Understanding your clients
Using flow to harness your creativity and efficiency
Want to make partner? Here's what you should know
What does it mean to "take ownership"?
What you can do if a junior associate isn't meeting your expectations
What you should know about emotional contagion
When you don’t get along with someone… but you have to work with them anyway
Why you should be networking within your firm
Why you should get involved with your firm's summer associate program
Work-life balance for law firm lawyers
Working with summer associates
Your professional persona
WB|Launch (first-years) (Core Collection)
They didn't cover this in law school: Developing the skills you'll need to thrive at a firm
Securing early wins for long-term success
Timekeeping strategies for success
Building meaningful connections with your mentors
The art and skill of managing up
Unlock the power of informal feedback
What does it mean to "take ownership"?
Building your professional network from the ground up
Best practices when working remotely
Overcoming self-doubt: Strategies for beating impostor syndrome
Defining your unique professional persona
Keep calm under pressure: Stress management for first-years
Five email tips partners want you to know
Stress-free strategies for meeting your deadlines
Beyond billables: Why your non-client work matters
Finding growth opportunities in your junior associate assignments
WB|Start (summer)
Summer program overview
Receiving & completing assignments
Building your professional reputation
Email tips & best practices
Networking for summer associates
Taking ownership of your work
Best practices when working remotely
Asking for feedback
Wrapping up & planning ahead